Friday, May 20, 2011

Slow but Sure

I know, I know.... it has definitely been more that a week. I've been working on a commission mural though so I have been busy painting. There are a few updates here too. As you can see I've changed the sky to make it a little more subtle. I thought the clouds were a bit to uniform and cotton candy like. I wanted a wispy, softer look. Then I blocked in the foreground and added the beach side chairs. I've been looking at and pondering that foreground. I'm not sure I want it as wild and unkempt as in the reference pic and I'm thinking about the trees too. The area this picture was taken in is so beautiful that I would like the foreground to represent that. As you can tell, a reference picture is just that - a jumping off point.

Speaking of reference pictures, it is spring here in the Appalachian Mtns. The trees have leaves, the flowers are blooming, and we are getting our gardens planted. It is beautiful. So I have been taking tons of "reference pictures".... And thinking of upcoming paintings. Sometimes when I'm taking a picture an idea of how I can interpret it, or add to it, comes to me. The majority of the pictures I take are for reference. Paintings are always on my mind as I view my world. We have been so richly blessed by the Creator. A world that works perfectly - spring's renewal, summer's growth, fall's harvest, and winter's rest. Perfect. And with no help from us. Actually better without our help. Yet He placed us here and gave this world to us. His grace is amazing!

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